City Hall
Elkhart City Hall
Located at 110 W. Parker in downtown Elkhart, City Hall is your resource for information and questions about your local government, as well as services offered in our community. Home to the Mayor and City Council, as well as City Administration, we welcome you to the City of Elkhart, and we encourage you to call or stop by during business hours.
City Hall Hours of Operation
City Hall is open Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. we no longer close for lunch.
Open Door Policy
With an "open door" policy, the doors of City Hall are just that . . . open. We encourage you to stop by, visit, get involved. Nothing feels better than getting to know your neighbor and getting involved in your community. Want to help? Ask what you can do to improve this great little slice of paradise! Opportunities are plentiful, and it is going to take a little of each of us to make the difference we want to see.

City Hall Supports the Red, White and Blue!