Public Works

Our Public Works crew is a perfect blend of dependable, dedicated, hard-working men who answer the call 24/7. From repairing broken lines to starting new service, ensuring water and sewer services flow seamlessly to and from your homes and businesses, and tending to our streets, our guys do it all! Next time you see one of these guys in the field, give them a pat on the back and show them you appreciate them.

Want to be a part of our team? Apply today!  Standard_Application.pdf


Public Works Director

Mr. Eric Clark joined the Elkhart family in August 2019, bringing with him a wealth of knowledge in both the water and wastewater industries. Since his arrival, Mr. Clark has built a strong team of educated colleagues who are dedicated to bringing Elkhart to a point of proactive planning for the future of the City's infrastructure.

Mr. Clark is currently working with engineers to implement one of the largest infrastructure projects in the history of the City, where new main water lines will be placed throughout town. The addition of two pressure tank systems will also be added to provide increased water pressure throughout town.

Have a question or concern about your water quality? Do not hesitate to reach out! Mr. Clark is ready, willing and able to discuss the science of it all with you! If you see him out in the field, make sure to give him a big round of applause for all of his hard work and determination to get the City's system back on track.


Contact Info

Eric Clark
Public Works Director
(903) 764-5657

James Wiley
Utilities Supervisor

Emergency On-call Number